The True Pitfall of “Patriotic-Christianity”

What the world really sees when we blend Christianity with Patriotism

Kirk Dixon
Interfaith Now


Photo by Stone Hood on Unsplash

If you closely follow any Christian meme page, you have likely seen a meme or two regarding the fourth “God’s Not Dead” movie untitled “We the People.” Many people who keep up with Christian culture are likely well aware of the infamous reputation that these movies have obtained over the years. However, this installment takes the cake. It appears to be tackling religious freedom in the form of what children can or can't be taught by their parents. But it is doing so in its the stereotypical “oppressed Christian” vs. the “evil atheist” route. While religious freedom is an important topic, the delivery of that message has been far from productive. We as Christians often don't realize the true price of painting a patriotic picture of the church.

I want you to really think about what Jesus did when he came to earth. What did Jesus do more than anything else while he was here? He served. This was a man who owed nothing to this world. In fact, he was in a world that consistently spit in the face of him and his father. Yet still, everywhere he went, he would ask the people, “what can I do for you.” The God of heaven and earth washed the feet of his disciples. A job meant for the lowliest.

Now, I want you to think about these movies again, particularly the latest one coming soon. Do they paint a picture of a church that is here to serve or is expecting to be served? When we make it “good Christians” vs. “bad atheists.” we tell the world that it needs to be kinder to us or help us avoid pain and oppression. But rarely would we ask others what they need. I once heard a preacher say, “we are most like Jesus when we are humble.” This means listening to others. Actually listening, not just waiting for them to finish talking so you can give your rebuttal, being patient when people don't see your way. But more importantly, to remember that being a Christian means being a servant. It means putting other's needs first.

I know this isn't easy. It’s hard to believe so desperately that you are right about something and not get angry and defensive when people don't see it as well. This is a struggle that the world shares. But before you do or say anything, ask yourself if it is with a servant's heart.



Kirk Dixon
Interfaith Now

My name is Kirk, like the captain, and I am a Youth Leader at my church. I am a total nerd for movies, shows, and books. But most of all, I am a huge Bible nerd